13-15 Tournament Age Division

2016 RULES

The 2016 USGA Rules of Golf, Decisions Book, and the KJGA Code of Conduct will govern play unless otherwise modified by the golf course or tournament staff.

Boys will play 18 holes from the Middle or Forward tee markers.
Girls will play 18 holes from the Front tee markers.

Trophies or Medals will be awarded to the top 3 scores for the boys and the top 3 scores for the girls. In the event of tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, there will be no playoff. Scorecards will be matched until the tie is broken based on the USGA recommended tie-breaking procedure as follows:

  1. Best total score of the last 9 holes
  2. Best total score of the last 6 holes
  3. Best total score of the last 3 holes
  4. Best score of the last hole
  5. Match scores hole by hole based on the handicap rating of each hole
  6. Coin toss

Pace of play guidelines are in effect. See rule 6–7. Each group will be allotted 15 minutes per hole, which equals 2 hours 15 minutes for 9 holes and 4 hours 30 minutes for 18 holes. Any group that falls behind the group in front of them and is over their 15 minutes per hole allotment may be penalized as follows: 1st offense – warning, 2nd offense – 2 strokes, 3rd offense – disqualification. If a group is out of position, any player in that group taking more than 45 seconds to hit a shot may receive the following penalty: 1st offense – warning, 2nd offense – 2 stroke penalty, 3rd offense – disqualification.

When in doubt of a ruling, play a second ball and report to the Committee before signing your scorecard. (See rule 3-3)
Stones in bunkers are moveable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies)
Embedded Ball Rule is in effect through the green (See Rule 25-2 and Appendix 1, Part B, #4a)
Distance-Measuring Devices are allowed. Please refrain from using Cell Phones while playing.
Maximum Stroke limit per hole: 12 Strokes.

Players are always encouraged to follow the USGA Rules of Golf. In the interest of fast play, the following modifications may be used in KJGA events:

  • A ball lost or hit out of bounds may be played at the spot it became lost or out of bounds under penalty of 1 stroke (no distance penalty).
  • If a hazard requires a forced carry, players may drop on the opposite side of the hazard, whether a Dropping Zone exists or not, under penalty of 1 stroke.
  • Any long grass areas or wooded areas may be played as Lateral Water Hazards. Drop accordingly under penalty of 1 stroke.

Please respect the golf course and the others who are playing it. Rake your bunkers, replace your divots, fix your ball marks, and put litter in its place.

Parents and spectators are prohibited from offering advice or caddying. Parents and spectators should stay 15-30 feet from players unless helping to speed play, find lost balls, count proper number of strokes, or enforce rules and etiquette. Penalty: 2-strokes for each occurrence.

Remember to thank our volunteers and the staff at each host course for their help in making the KJGA such a success!

Visit www.kalamazoojuniorgolf.org for results!

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